
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Checking In!

Hello everyone! It's about time I checked in right? Well a LOT has been happening and I don't think I could ever fill you in, but I may try now and again ;) Another summer behind us and I survived to tell about it!! (Thats a story all in its self!) And the little kids are going to preschool 2 days a week soon so that leaves 2-3 days with just the two babies at my house; a couple more weeks!

I have sat down with the computer several times to try to write this post, but once again I had computer problems. Almost 2 weeks at Geek Squad and I have it back good as new. I also invested in a cheap new laptop, it has Windows 8, I hate Windows 8! Anybody else? So I guess I'm going to have to blog on the desk top PC.....away from the recliner.....yeah it's going to be hard......

Anyway, we had a great summer with Kids Club, and I am enjoying the newest littlest addition to the family, #10. He is the happiest, busiest little guy I think I have ever known. Oh he kepts his Gramma on her toes, or feet, all day long. I have to stand by him most of time because as soon as you think he is going to stop and play in one spot he decides to take off. He started crawling when he turned 7 months, he climbs out of his pac and play now, and I expect him to be walking in the next week or so.

Also with all the big and little kids running around I need to stay close to him to protect him from them. So truly, there is no time for anything to get done except what is necessary each day. You can expect a new post here soon, a recipe for Prickly Pear Jam. Now that school has started, I should be able to write it soon. 

Till next time!

 Copyright © 2015 by Hill House Homestead ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


  1. SO good to hear from you, Connie! Your #10 is as cute as a button! I just added #8 in June, Ryan Joseph. I thought of you yesterday when I decided to have two of the little girls come over for a "Girls' Club" once a week to do crafts. They are 2 and 4 so I can't get as involved as you did with yours, but eventually we'll get there.
    Best wishes! Watching for more posts!

    1. Thanks J! #8 !!! How did I miss that? I better get over to your place and check that out. Your kids make mine look like slackers! Congrats on that sweet new baby, I know you are having a good time with him.


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