
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

* Getting Even

I was addicted (yes I really mean that) to Dr. Pepper for many years. Yes I admit it; and it had to be a fountain drink too. Well after many tries I kicked that habit a couple of years ago and now I can enjoy one on occasion without becoming addicted all over again. Yes, I’m very proud of myself.

Well this morning I decided I could use a Dr. Pepper, so I pulled into a near by fast food drive through. I was not familiar with the sizing of that particular fast food chain’s drinks. I wanted a 32 oz drink, so when it was my turn, I pulled up to the intercom and politely asked the very young sounding feminine voice if she could tell me how many ounces where in the medium drink they offered? After a hesitation the voice said “Excuse me?” I again repeated my question. Another hesitation. The voice came back, “I’m sorry I don’t understand what you are asking.”
I rephrased my question, “I want to know how big, how many ounces are in your drinks. How many ounces, what size, is your medium drink?” Silence…..then slowly and carefully “It’s a me di um size drink.” “I know it’s a medium size drink, but not everyone sells the same size medium cup, I only wanted to know the ounces” I shot back! Silence again, and out of frustration on my part I said, “Just give me a medium Dr. Pepper.” She told me the price and I started fishing around in my purse for the correct change.  At my turn at the window she sweetly handed me my medium size Dr. Pepper (a 32oz one) as I handed her my money. Then she said, “Oh! just a minute” she reached into the cash register and handed me some change. “Senior citizen discount” she glowed with kindness as she looked me straight in the eyes. I smiled back through clenched teeth a moment while I decided if I would accept her ‘discount’. I don’t consider myself a senior yet.
She never broke eye contact with me, I decide to let it go and drove off. There are many ways to get even with someone, she sure got even with me didn’t she?

First published at Family Home and Life. Copyright © 2013 by Hill House Homestead ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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